Friends of the Ingalls Library

"The Friends of Ingalls Library is an organization comprised of members who help provide for library services beyond that which is provided by the Town's operating funds. The organization has its meetings approximately four times a year, please check the on-line Library calendar or call the Library at 899-3303 for exact times and dates. 

At these meetings the group hears reports on our activities as well as those of the Library Trustees and the Library Staff. We make plans for activities such as book sales from donated books, and any other outreach programs. We hear the needs of the library and decide on those to be supported by the Friends. We authorize the raising of needed funds and monitor the financial activities of the Friends. We generate the funds for the library through membership dues, book sales and other fund-raising activities when warranted.

Some of our members also volunteer to work with the library staff on a weekly basis, helping shelve books and do other tasks to supplement the work of the staff. Other volunteers help decorate for the holiday season, take care of plantings on the library grounds or act as readers for the Children's Story Hours. The Friends volunteer also operate the section of the library that offers used books, CD's, DVD's, and puzzles for sale. In addition the Friends members who volunteer, the library staff receives help from other volunteers who are not members of the Friends group. Hundreds of hours are donated each year.
The Friends group has accepted responsibility for picking up trash from School Street twice a year as part of our Town's effort to keep our streets clean. Currently, one of our most successful programs is our "Library Pass Program". The Friends purchase "Library Passes" for all Rindge Residents to use and enjoy. 

You are welcome to visit a meeting of the Friends at any time. To become a member one must pay the annual membership dues. Currently these annual dues are FREE for an individual or a family, and $25 for an organization. Of course donations are always accepted! We are always willing to welcome new members and their ideas and interests. "